
Our key goal: Promoting health and safety at work

health and safety at work Prolactal
Corporate Social Responsibility, in essence, is based on the integration of economic, social, ethical and environmental concerns in business operations.

The major social concerns include the welfare of the key stakeholders: our employees. The own business unit „Health Safety Environment“ (HSE) at Prolactal is looking to move beyond compliance with health and safety regulations to continuously improve all aspects of the working environment that result in a happy and healthy workforce.

The HSE team at Prolactal

The HSE team at Prolactal consists of DI (FH) Helmut Honauer and DI (FH) Maria Brodnik. Their actions reach from daily business such as waste separation, risk assessments and the introduction of safety regulations to long-term goals and training, like the annual Safety Week and certifications such as BS OHSAS 18001 – an International Standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems which provides a framework for the effective management including all aspects of risk management and legal compliance.

12 rules for more security at work

  • Only working safely is time well spent: Use your personal protection equipment.
  • Think before you act! Avoid rushing. Reduce workplace stress. In doubt, give way to security.
  • At machinery and facilities: secure yourself, turn off and use your personal lock.
  • Hazardous substances are no hand sanitisers: read instruction manuals.
  • Security in all directions: kept transport routes and exit paths unobstructed at all times
  • Vehicles and equipment: Use only those, you are supposed and eligible to use.
  • Beware the surroundings: Avoid dangerous areas, make eye contact
  • Low heights can be dangerous as well: lock and secure – for you and your colleagues.
  • Stay Alert. Don’t pass under floating loads. Look up as well.
  • Think about others: You are responsible for yourself and your colleagues.
  • You have the choice: There are the right way and the appropriate tool for every type of work.
  • Your opinion counts: Report safety defects, propose improvements.


Each and every person who leaves his home for his work in the morning should come back to his home in the evening in good health. It is our duty and moral responsibility to look after the employee’s protection. Because the safe way is the best way.

In case of questions about safety and health at Prolactal, please do not hesitate to contact us directly. We are happy to answer your questions.

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